Certificate of

Physical Body Healing & Colour Therapy 1

Create miracles of healing by stimulating the spirit and soul to infuse the body with all that it requires to heal.

Supporting the journey of wellbeing for our clients is an amazing privilege. Although Western medicine provides incredible diagnostic and acute care, for most people the combination of Western allopathic and energy medicine will bring forth the richest healing journey.  The best outcomes and an inner transformation that sets one free to create new patterns of awareness and health for the future.

Open your awareness to various healing frequencies including colour prana, and the energy of herbs, oils and medications that, in emergencies, can be given as specific energetic remedies to assist the physical body to heal.

Starts 6pm July 11th or 9am 13 July, 2023 (Sydney time)

 *Click date for your timezone

 Details:  Online Certificate

Duration: 10 weeks

Start Date: 11th July or 13 July, 2023

Sessions: 10 x 3 hr sessions

Teacher:  Ganesha Ma, Sada & visits from Shakti Durga

Prerequisites:  Completion of Energy Healing Foundation.

Class Times: Tue 6pm and Thu 9am (Sydney)

*Click date for your timezone

In 10 weeks you will…

The first sessions will be immersive in your understanding of how physical bodies manifest through various dimensions, all of which respond to different kinds of energy. You will experience the differences in these frequencies, then learn how to apply them to specific ailments and body systems in subsequent weeks.



We’ll get to know some basic anatomy and physiology, including the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory, nervous and digestive systems.


Where the major and minor chakras and core meridians fit with the physical body, and how to cleanse them to effect deep healing and wellbeing.


Learn specific techniques to minimise or eliminate physical pain for you and your clients, and the ‘dose’ or frequency of treatment required to maintain progress


Learn how to use energy healing to support the optimal health of the body systems studied, understanding the nexus between the physical dimension of energy healing outcomes and the fruit of the V diagram for deeper healing.


Experience not just one but many rays of healing light all of which have different effects upon the body mind and spirit. Learn to use them with precision to effect sometimes miraculous healing outcomes
Here are just some of the standout favourites from this unit:
  1. Have an extensive repertoire of methods to assist those with chronic or acute health conditions
  2. Have detailed awareness of the uses of many colour frequencies of energy to assist with healing
  3. Be able to assist clients with pain relief quickly and safely
  4. Be empowered to assist those who suffer acute health issues
  5. Be empowered in emergencies to give energetic first aid
  6. Help those who are going through allopathic medical treatments including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy
  7. Be empowered to help your own loved ones with physical and medical challenges
  8. Instead of saying “I wish there was something I could do” you will know “There is plenty I can do…”


And much more…

By the end of this 10 week Core Unit

You will be able to apply your learning to effect a wide range of physical healing outcomes. You will be able to work in with other health professionals to ensure that your client has the best result possible in the resolution of their particular health event. You will also have a comprehensive set of resources from which you can refresh your mind should you be in doubt as to how to specifically use energy for physical body healing.

Support the body in healing

Immerse yourself in the world of physical body healing and colour prana. Open your awareness to various healing frequencies including colour prana, and the energy of herbs, oils and medications that, in emergencies, can be given as specific energetic remedies to assist the physical body to heal. 

Explore the Curriculum:
Lesson Plan
Class 1
Introduction to the certificate and general scheme of physical body healing.
Class 2
Exploring the throat chakra and colour prana, see how you can help your client to reduce their experience of pain.
Class 3
Base chakra and colour prana for rapid results in healing.
Class 4
Crown chakra and colour prana to optimise efficiency in healing and to dive deep into causal factors of ill health and help to resolve them.
Class 5
Introduction to cells and DNA, tissues and organs, healing the skin.
Class 6
Energetic first aid, accidents, cuts, burns, shock, bites, stings and fevers.
Class 7
Stress and its pervasive effect on human health.
Class 8
Skeletal system
Class 9
Nervous system, advanced pain relief, vagus nerve, regrowing cut nerves


Class 10
Respiratory system

Meet the Team

This certificate will be run by Ganesha Ma. Our team brings a wealth of healing capacity and all have a minimum 15 years of healing skills. Every one of your trainers has achieved miracles of healing and changed the lives of countless people with their compassion and skill.
Ganesha Ma

Ganesha Ma

Senior Teacher and Master Healer

GaneshaMa is a highly skilled and powerful IYS Energy Healer who uses the power of colour prana to facilitate profound healing in the physical body while imparting invaluable knowledge to her clients. With a deep passion for this ancient practice, GaneshaMa expertly harnesses colour prana to restore balance and vitality, targeting specific areas of the body that require healing and rejuvenation. Through her skilled practice, she helps individuals experience physical well-being, accelerated recovery, and enhanced vitality.

Additionally, as a teacher, GaneshaMa generously imparts her wisdom and techniques to others, empowering them to heal themselves and others through colour prana. Her passion for teaching is evident in her patience, guidance, and commitment to empowering her students on their healing journey. With GaneshaMa as a guide, individuals are inspired to tap into the transformative power of colour prana for physical body healing, leading them to a path of self-healing and vibrant living while awakening their innate healing potential.



Teacher and IYS Energy Healer

Sada has degrees in Psychology and Exercise Science and an extensive background in helping people find happiness and health through self compassion and self awareness.

She helps people identify unconscious patterns of energy, thought and behavior and helps people let go of what doesn’t serve them.

She is passionate about helping people bring more love, joy, good health and freedom into their lives.

Sada specialises in healing the physical body and in helping people understand and connect with their body and emotions to bring more balance and good health on all levels.

Shakti Durga

Shakti Durga

Founder of Ignite Your Spirit healing, author, sacred musician and World Renowned Spiritual Teacher

Shakti Durga is an insightful, powerful and compassionate healer, able to perceive the core essence of blockages and imbalances, and to guide her clients to the resolution of suffering and pain. She helps her clients to transform through their issues into more of their full potential.

Shakti Durga is the founder of The Shanti Group (which includes The Spiritual Path with Shakti Durga, The Consciousness Connection and The WellBeing Initiative, a registered Australian charity).

Shakti Durga has authored 5 books and many spiritual music and mantra CD’s. She has done tens of thousands of hours of meditation, received training by spiritual masters, given thousands of healings and, with her team, trained thousands of healers. Shakti Durga is a catalyst for spiritual growth, kundalini activation and awakening. She helps people connect with the bliss and love of their higher soul, Divine beings and states of grace.



Support Teacher & IYS Energy Healer

Pertiwi Is a sacred channel for healing with innate connection to the Clairsenses. She began her training in IYS in 2010 and works with her clients within the spiritual, mental and emotional dimensions. Pertiwi uses her abilities  to see beyond the physical to bring compassion and Soul guidance.

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Class Times:

Online classes for the Certificate of Physical Body Healing and Colour Therapy 1 will be held every Tuesday from 6pm & Thursday 9am (Sydney) for 3 hours for 10 weeks. They will commence from Tuesday July 11th or Thursday 13 July to suit various time zones around the world.

All classes are recorded so if you miss a class, you can re-watch at your leisure.  More details will be sent to students upon sign up.

Start Date:  July 11th or 13th, 2023

Class Times: Tuesday 6pm or Thursday 9am (Sydney) or (Click day for your timezone)




One off payment of…



Pay 4 Payments

4 payments of…


(Total cost $1545)



One off payment of…




Pay 4 Payments…


(Total cost $771.47)

Have questions?  Want to talk to someone about fund assistance?  Email us here.

To obtain a certificate, students must…

  • Pass a short multiple choice exam
  • Log 5 healing sessions for a client related to the physical body healing
  • Self healing on a health condition of your choosing, 5 sessions
  • Daily meditation practice using tools provided to embed learning and help develop one’s own connection and energy field
  • Participate in all 10 sessions (if you can’t join live, ensure catch-up via recordings) and watch the weekly training videos, essential unless you have prior learning eg. You are a registered nurse, doctor or other health professional who has completed university training in anatomy and physiology.

Become a Certified Ignite Your Spirit Energy Healer

213 Martinsville Road,

Cooranbong NSW 2265, Australia

+61 2 4977 3300

[email protected]