

Gather with like-minded people for a transformational experience of meditation, mantra, music and discourse.


Every Sunday Live on Zoom

Experience weekly Satsang online with Shakti Durga and a Community of spiritual seekers, as we all share space to relax, let go of stress and negativity, and raise our vibration. It’s an experience for your heart and soul.

Open to all, no matter your experience level or faith. Simply register for your Zoom link below.

Uplift. Enliven. Unmask. 

Sharing time in Satsang with a community, dissolves the sense of separateness, the cause of much suffering, and hastens you towards inner peace.

Satssang Meditation Shakti Durga


Meditating gives us intuitional insights and connects us with peace beyond the reach of speech and mind.  And when done together in a group, creates a strong atmosphere allowing for deeper meditation and a richer experience.  


Chanting is a great way to raise your vibration, so at times we use the power of sacred sound and nada shakti to ‘lift and shift’ blockages in our conscious and unconscious landscape. Sound is energy and our system responds to the sounds and vibrations of Sanskrit chants. Listening to these sounds has a rejuvenating effect on the body, mind and spirit 


Inspiring, uplifting, high-vibrational music and kirtan allow you to let go of what doesn’t serve you.  Feel liberated from old patterns of behaviour and begin to fine tune your connection to your own soul.


By sitting in Satsang led by Shakti Durga, your vision, speech, and even your thoughts will be elevated.  

Satssang Meditation Shakti Durga
Mantra Satsang Shakti Durga
Satsang Music Maitreya Shakti Durga
Satsang Discourse Shakti Durga

Experience Our Favourites

If you’d like to experience more, you’ll find the recordings in Vimeo. You never have to miss out!

If you would like to donate for a recorded Satsang DONATE HERE

Meditation and Practices from Satsangs

Shakti Durga invites us to consider our bodies as an alchemical vessel in which we can place all that we wish to sacrifice, for the fire of the Divine to burn, freeing us to move to a new level of consciousness where we can meet in the heart’s radiant awareness. She leads us in a meditation calling in the Christ consciousness and abundance, which she recommends as a daily practice in the lead up to the festival of Pentecost that takes place 50 days after Easter Sunday.

Alchemy of the Christ Full Practice: 42:13

by Shakti Durga | 2023 Easter Satsang

Alchemy of the Christ Practice Daily Practice 35:10

by Shakti Durga | 2023 Easter Satsang


by Gayatri K | off Ignite Album (full album available in the shop)

A FREE download is available for these practices in our shop CLICK HERE

Register for Satsang – online or In person

* The Zoom link will be emailed to you in the ticket confirmation when you register for our online satsang.

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